450 KW INDUCTOTHERM, Induction Furnace with 300 KG & 500 KG crucible, newly installed.
Treatment ladle of 300 kg and 100 kg.
Ajay Syscon make, digital pyrometer for measuring Temperature.
Online Carbon – Silicon analyser for determine carbon, silicon and thermal analysis of cooling curve of metal.
Molasses based sand moulding , for small quantity of pieces of casting and loose pattern
CO2 based sand moulding system
No- bake two part moulding system
Green sand moulding for match-plate pattern
Shell moulding system
From above process, we can make casting in the range from 300gram to 350kg.
Omega make continuous sand mixture ( 1 to 3 TPH capacity)
Compaction table
Omega no- bake sand reclamation plant 3tph capacity with pneumatic pressure vessel for sand conveying system.
Sand storage hopper 60 ton capacity.
Kaesar make screw air compressor.
Cold core Shooter Machine
Shell core shooter capacity 10 Kg core
Complicated core can be produce from hand moulding
Spectro Meter - OxFord - Germany.
Hardness testing machine (BHN) – Hydraulic operated.
Physical properties – UTM, YS, % Elongation etc.
Microscope with Image analyser software.
Polishing machine.
Ultrasonic & Radiography testing facilities are available.
Heat- treatment facility.
Green compression strength testing machine, moister tester, permeability meter, compactibility meter, sieve analyser and mould hardness tester.
300 Kg capacity Shot Blasting Machine to clean the castings.
16″ Wheel- Pedestal grinding Machines.
16″ Wheel Swing frame grinding Machine.
4″ & 7″ Wheel Angular Grinders.
Pneumatic Chipper and Grinders.
CNC and VMC machines are available in fully developed machining shop.